It's 5 O'clock Somewhere - Camp Margaritaville in Auburndale, FL

Broadcasting LIVE tonight from Camp Margaritaville in Auburndale, Florida. You are not going to want to miss John and Bob here where it is always 5 O’clock somewhere. Several special guests, including the General Manager, Dawn Priebe and even one of our special fans! This is going to be one of our GREAT shows. We met Dawn a few months ago when we were in the area for the Florida SuperShow. She invited us back for a longer visit and the opportunity to showcase this incredible RV resort to our fans and all the people in New England that are Snowbirds in Florida or vacation here in the winter. You are going to want to visit Camp Margaritaville RV Resort, the only thing missing is Jimmy Buffet, may he R.I.P. What a legacy he has left behind for all Parrot Heads. See you tonight for a fabulous show.

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