What happens in ‘Vegas, doesn’t stay there on RVing in New England

Not when it involves RV dealers and the education, networking and workshops that are the highlight of this event! The very best dealers in the country assembled in Las Vegas last week for the RVDA Convention/Expo. This is the most important meeting of the year for RV dealers. Especially our NERVDA dealers who were in attendance. The investment of time, money and resources at this event confirm the importance of training that will allow these dealerships to deliver outstanding sales, service and support to their customers when they get back to the dealership. Chris was the Chairman of the Convention Committee. A dedicated RVDA volunteer through the years, he and his team delivered an incredible program. Chris, along with cameo appearances from other NERVDA dealers that were in Las Vegas, will explain why this is the best investment they can make each year to make your RV purchase and experiences fantastic in 2025.

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